National Infrastructure Crime Reduction Partnership
The National Infrastructure Crime Reduction Partnership or NICRP, is one of our national projects tackling infrastructure crime, working in collaboration with key stakeholders across the country to protect essential utilities and services.
The NICRP members are drawn from across the UK and from those industries that provide the crucial infrastructure we all rely on. From power networks, railway networks, telecommunications, agriculture and places of historic interest.
Our purpose is to bring together those industries affected, provide direction and support, share intelligence securely and examples of best practice and knowledge.
We partner with Deter Tech Limited's Crime Intelligence Team who provide our data analysis, tactical assessment and alerts using information shared from our members and the police.
What is Infrastructure Crime?
Every day we rely on essential utilities and services to make journeys, call friends, work, go shopping and for our leisure. What has this got to do with infrastructure you may well ask? Well just imagine if the communication equipment at your local telephone exchange was compromised by an act of vandalism or theft. The knock-on effect would be more than you may initially consider and below is a snapshot of the impact on the community and what would potentially be lost.
Telephone, broadband and mobile networks
Communication to the emergency services and energy companies
Essential healthcare services
Train journeys
Chip and Pin services
ATM cash machines
Education - schools, colleges and universities
Service industries - taxis and home delivery
"The impact of metal crime has far-reaching consequences and has a significant cost to the UK economy. As the National Police Chief Council’s Metal Crime lead I am delighted to support the launch of the National Infrastructure Crime Reduction Partnership. The Partnership is a collaboration between Safer Business Networks, Opal, Smartwater, Police and partners from across the UK. It is designed to share intelligence and provide expert advice, training and support to combat metal crime across our communities and all sectors of business, with the aim of protecting property and targeting those engaged in these criminal offences."
Charlie Doyle, ACC British Transport Police & NPPC Metal Crime Lead